The weather lately has been swinging from Cold to very warm and back again. Today was one of the nicest mid-March days I remember in quite some time. 70 today - NO WIND for a change! But with the threat of snow and cold tomorrow! Welcome to Maryland where as they say if you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes and it will change. I had the chance after work to be at one of our parks taking some pictures for a really cool upcoming field improvement we are hoping to complete this spring. While there I was treated to a terrific sunset. This picture (taken on my phone) just doesn't do it justice. I found myself sitting for a few minutes and just staring and recalling so many memories of these late winter/early spring perfect days. It's truly amazing how when you get caught up in these moments - you recall so many pleasant things. When I was younger; on days like this after school I'd grab my grandmother's Golden Retriever Duke (still my favorite dog to this day) and we'd go for a walk through the fields and into the woods. Today I was even remembering the smell of wild onions, freshly turned dirt in the fields, the mud, and even the pine trees. It was such a nice way to end what is really just another ordinary day. But when you think about it - every day is extraordinary in some way. Sometimes we have to really look and think. It's not always easy to see ( and feel) like today was.