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Unplanned Morning Visit

Well.... I've been away from my blog for a couple months. There are 2 main reasons really. 1 - we have absolutely had one of the longest runs of wet, rainy, humid, ugly, gray weather. There really have not been many opportunities to get out and shoot anything with the time that I have had. 2 - I just felt like there was a need for a break. Not that I am posting things daily or even weekly. I just felt like taking some time to think and plan what things I really want to see and photograph. So with that I do have some cool things planned. Now it's a matter of getting them to work into the time I have. It has been a busy time and there have been several family issues to deal with. For me those are always #1. So now that my excuse list has been used up - I want to share with you a few photos I took about a month ago.

The title of this post sums it up. We were moving our oldest son back to college at Frostburg State. I was driving from my in-laws place up Rte 36 through George's Creek valley. It dawned on me that the sky.... deep blue, high clouds, sun still low on the horizon (about 45 min after sunrise) all would make for amazing pictures. AND I happened to be about 5 minutes from Dan's Mountain. So I took a short detour of about 30 minutes and drove up to Dan's Rock. The view is always great there. On this particular morning though it was incredible. Bright blue sky and fog in the valleys. I think these pictures speak for themselves.


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