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3 in a Row

What a streak of awesome sunsets we are on this spring in our area. This evening was a typical April evening for me. Spent time at both of our baseball parks doing a few things. Evaluating a player for movement to another age division, meeting with the Boy Scouts coordinator regarding several potential Eagle Scout projects, searching for our temporary outfield fence ground sleeves (that one was exciting Not!), & talking to a few coaches about our extended spring practice schedule this spring.

The early part of the season I'm not real busy coaching since the big boys are in high school season and won't get underway for over a month. I get to spend time with the little 9-10 year old guys on the field and concentrate on all the duties that come with running a baseball program for our community. At times it's alot but as you know already it truly is a labor of love for me. There is nothing I'd rather be doing or nowhere else I'd rather be. Well.... the vacation in August (between spring and fall seasons) is pretty nice because a break is needed by then so maybe sometimes I would rather be there!

One of the many advantages of being a community volunteer is just simply being in the right place at the right time so to speak. Being able to witness these amazing sights time after time is truly a pleasure and it never gets old! We are so fortunate also to have a park that is at a high point and has nice views to the west. So #1 was the sunset from this evening and #2 was post sunset but still quite amazing to behold. Hope you all enjoy and as always thank you for taking your time to read my page!


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