I actually hesitated before I decided to make this post. Reason being that this place is SO beautiful and so few people actually know of it I don't want to give it away. Then I thought pffft... how many people really read my blog anyway:) ? So here it is. This reserve is home to too much wildlife to even name. It is an excellent location for bird watching. If you get lucky you could spot some of the wild horses that roam this upper portion of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This location is where the southern fence is in place to prevent these horses from entering the highly populated tourist area (& high traffic area).
This sunset was actually Halloween (Oct. 31) 2017. We visited the day before and knew it was an excellent place to view a sunset any time of the year. Caught a really nice break as it was a perfect night for taking photos. This location is in extreme northeastern North Carolina in the town of Corolla. You wouldn't know it by these pictures but the area is a very popular beach vacation destination. This place is not really well known and hopefully it stays that way. During the "off" season while we were there we had this place completely to ourselves for the 90 minutes or so we were there. I cannot begin to tell you how quiet (except for this one Woodpecker) and peaceful this was. Literally no breeze and just pure amazing relaxation. Times like these you take in and just remember. The photographs (& video) are terrific but still do not compare to the experience. This is why I always encourage people to get outside and take things in. It's not always beautiful or perfect - but once in a while you get lucky and those few incredible moments make all of the time spent so worth it. We will definitely be going back this summer - armed with insect repellant for sure. I hope you enjoy these. Tried to pick the best shots to share; hopefully you like them.